My process on commissioned paintings
When I work on a commission there is so much more to the finished painting.
This is the process I use in this practice:
Meet and talk with the client to get a brief of what they are wanting in the finished work.
If convenient I will visit the location if the work is a landscape and make notes in my journal about the concept.
I will then go back to the studio and prepare some thumbnail sketches in my journal which gives me more insight into the draft sketch I will prepare to send to the client.
From these thumbnail sketches I can then work out the most workable composition and think about what time of day I will set the work in which will determine where the light is coming from (if the work is in the outdoors eg. a landscape or seascape etc).If the work is figurative or a still life, these processes are still necessary.
This is the pre work that is required for me to feel comfortable to start the initial sketch that I will send to the client. I only work on one sketch to gather the overall feel of the work.
After the client has viewed the sketch and suggested any edits to the work I will then prepare an A4 size digital colour painting and send to the client for their final agreement to start the painting.
At this stage the client will then pay a 50% deposit prior to me starting the oil painting. This covers my time, travel costs and materials.
During the painting stages I will send images of how it is progressing to the client. This often makes them feel more connected to the work and involved.
Given that the client is paying for their story to be told, I want to involve them as much as I can and it makes my job so much more enjoyable.
Final payment is made on receipt of the artwork.
Sketch no. 1 - Thumbnail sketch
Sketch no. 2 - Small colour sketches in my journal
Sketch no. 3 - A digital sketch in colour close to the finished concept
Sketch no. 4 - The final oil painting in progress
Please let me know if my post has given you enough information on how I put my commissions together. I am happy to answer any questions if I can.